It is acknowledged that in such a time span where body is exposed to such a lifestyle where majority of us just can’t resist without junk food, obesity is a major concern. Even if you are just 15 or have stepped in your 20s, you can put on weight. But it is nowhere written that fit and healthy body is to be celebrated and if a person is obese, it is to be condoned. So, if you are passionate enough to play hockey or any other sports, but excess weight has put a placard of a big ‘no’ then you need to change your mindset. Merely admiring photos of hockey players and thinking over being a part of hockey team of India won’t be of any help. You will have to take immediate steps of action, exercise and workout as much as you can to be in the best physical condition.
I know some of you certainly do not entertain the idea itself of joining yoga classes, aerobic classes or doing cardio exercises, but each if these have potential to work magically against not only against excess weight, but can help in maintaining best physical condition.
As a whole, if you have been despairing over your weight by thinking that you just won’t be able to play hockey then here’s the time to throw baggage full of strains behind and play the good game of hockey enthusiastically.