Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Work On Mental Strength Besides Skills In Hockey

The game of hockey is brimming with passion. The drive for victory is what keeps the players and spectators hooked to it. With each goal scored and every near miss, the hoot and cry of the crowd varies. Players put in their best efforts and treat each game as a war.
However, in this sport amid the avid passion, there are chances of going overboard with it. Young teams, who lack the training and composure, are often found struggling with some rash players. Such players might be able to create a spectacular show once or twice or they may receive cheering from the crowd, but it doesn’t work if you are aspiring to make it big.
Expert trainers of national hockey team advice youngsters to keep adrenaline under check. Violence is demeaning to the spirit of the sport and themselves. This is why, coaches are advised to keep a check on all this and take strong measures. 
Beside the technicalities, learning to keep your composure under pressure and discipline are crucial skills to master, says a successful hockey team trainer. Any friction can turn into a row within a matter of seconds, and such behaviour is not only unacceptable on field but it brings down your own and your team’s reputation. You would certainly be showed out of field, which will chop off your chances of playing well and sharing the fame.
So, in order to overcome this difficulty, coaches should discourage such things from the start. There should be mental exercises and training to keep their calm, even when instigated. They undergo a lot of stress and once they gain the much yearned popularity, fan pressure is an important and ever pressing aspect. Cheering crowd in a full packed stadium and people are holding photos of hockey players, some of which are yours: the thought is invigorating and its desire can build up a lot of pressure. So, something like meditation and mental training drills are necessary for their mental strength.
As it is said, in hockey, the mental mathematics can make or mar the game. Learn to focus and to keep that focus unfaltering till the end. You will avoid pitfalls and perform over and above expected norms. With the ability to perform under pressure you can turn the game on your side just when the opponents begin to give way to pressure and frustration.     

Monday, July 7, 2014

Importance of Protective Gear

Hockey is a passionate and energetic game. The dynamic surge equally affects the fans and players. And while you are on the field, you can easily get absorbed in the moment up to an extent that you can risk yours or someone else’s safety.  With its speed and flow, it is impossible and rather foolish to get down on field without sufficient protection.
Delhi Waveriders : hockey leagues in india
So, if you are a parent getting ready to send your child to start his hockey lessons, it is imperative that you buy him proper and good quality protective gears. The trainers of hockey team of India underline the vitality of professional safety gears for young children and suggest that it should not be taken lightly. They are of the view that with young children, the game can go astray and wild any moment which can result in an accident. So you must make sure that the whole world of opportunities that the game has to offer, should be explored with safety.
You must lace them up with sports shoes that are light weight and cosy under the sole. Players of hockey team of India are very particular of their footwear even on personal practice days. Since the game involves foot work and by foot work I mean rigorous foot work, it is important that the feet are cushioned and protected. Sore legs, blisters and sprains shouldn’t get in the way. Besides this, paddings of injury prone parts are also required. Knees and elbows are most prone to nicks and tears, but with continuous rough exposure they can get badly torn. Then shoulder pads and protective cups are also extremely essential.
Moreover, if you are child is playing as the goalie it is outright vital that he takes necessary precautions. You can show him photos of hockey players who are his favourite, dressed in gears to motivate him to put safety first.
Thus, with all these precautions your children will surely hit the mark and perform well.     

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hockey: Focus And Physical Training are Equally Important

Champions are not born from a womb but are self-made men, who sweated enough and pushed their limits. No sport can be mastered without these qualities, and hockey is no different. If you like to idealize the winners and performers, you can become like one. However, the catch to it completely lies in how much you are ready to give to your game.
Even for the best hockey teams, it all starts with stern physical training. Build muscle strength, boost your stamina level, and be really quick on your legs. Your success story starts only after this. So, pay your ‘physical dues’ as an athlete and carve a niche for yourself. And trust me; the fruits are worth all that. If you are looking for shortcuts, there aren’t any. Build your technique and master the nitty-gritties of the sport.
However, rigorous physical training also, is a lopsided story. In order to get your name listed amid the big hockey players names you need to focus on the mind game as well. Once you are ready to hit the field for an important match, the only thing that shapes your victory is your mental state. You have already practiced the techniques and fitness drills, but do you have the required focus to implement it. You must have the calmness to overcome and let go of mistakes, a mental reproach of more than a millisecond during the match can be harmful for your game. Moreover, build up the focus required to administer the best goals, correct mistakes and watch out opponents’ moves all at the same time.
Even the best hockey teams admit that it is the psychology that changes games rather than technique. The perfect balance between confidence and brashness needs to be maintained. If you go in too nervous, you will come out bitterly disappointed realizing all your fears have come true.
Hence as a hockey player you should to commit to improve your mental game as well. And hard work is the key to it!