Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Master Wrist Shot

The wrist shot is in fact one of the most effective shots in field hockey. Being one of the precise shots it is released fairly quickly owing to the speed and force with which it is hit. This is the shot which a player must engage into learning if he intends to make a place in big and popular hockey teams. True that it is not that as quick as a slap shot is but with proper techniques and with the strength of your upper body, wrist shot can count and pass for one of the most powerful shots.
Delhi Waveriders : Best Hockey Team
Ensure that you have a proper grip over the stick and learn to have a proper hockey stance as all the professionals in various hockey league India are versed with. To add power to your wrist shot move your lower hand halfway and position the body at a 45-degree angle in regard to the net. Bring your stick behind and place it in the middle of the blade and rotate the wrist to ensure that the blade is tilted over the puck. Shift your weight on your back leg then.

Initiate a sweeping action while you transfer your weight towards the front foot and rotate your body forward. When the stick blade crosses your body, transfer your weight on the stick while pushing it forward with your lower hand and backward with the hand on the top. The stick will be released as it will reach your front foot. In the action make sure that your shoulders are square to the net. If you are a keen observer, you will see this technique several times when the hockey teams are in the ground.
At the time of this release of the puck, the wrist turns putting the puck in action when the blade turns out. Once the puck is released, set the target by pointing the toe of the stick. In addition to this the height of your shot depends on the magnitude by which you rotate the stick.
And just this! Happy sweating!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Why You Should Watch Hockey

Hockey might not be as popular as baseball, cricket or basketball, yet it is one of those sports that require deep knowledge and attention to detail to comprehend. Hockey leagues India have long been trying to push the sport back on the top, and supporting their cause are a few reasons that can definitely motivate a start.
It is fast-paced
Delhi-Waveriders - hockey team
With hockey, it’s a non-stop action on the field. Unlike many other games like baseball and football, there are a very few breaks and on an average a player plays for as long as 45 seconds at a time. It shouldn’t come as a surprise if you find yourself gasping for breath, just like the players.
It takes skill to play the sport
It takes dexterity of another magnitude to understand the game and play it in line with the game ethics. Players need to be in excellent shape and should have a strong base. Being able to handle the equipment with deft and technique is indispensable; the game depends entirely on the sportsperson’s pick on the stick. To be able to chisel a way out through the traffic is another imperative that the player must possess. 
It takes physicality to stay in the sport
If you have seen hockey players of Hockey leagues in India, you would know how much of physical fitness is required to dish out a fair game on the ground. Hockey, undeniably, is one of the most physical sports around and at times protection equipment can’t help much with the hitting thing. Blocking pucks requires physical fitness of a magnanimous degree. The players need to be pepped up all the time to play the game with ease and vigour.

Hockey, as it turns out, is the most challenging of all sports in India. And if challenges are your cup of tea, give hockey a shot!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Food For A Player’s Thought

Who understands the importance of a healthy diet than a sportsperson who has to shell it all out for a game that commands nothing less than an eternity of dedication and hard work?
A healthy diet is essential to the daily regimen of a sportsman, for it enables him to gain endurance and energy to sustain the long practise sessions.  Endurance is still an underrated term, what players, especially of national league like in Hockey League India need is a chiselled body that can support their survival and struggle at best. A healthy diet, replete with proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates is a step closer to achieving that.
Delhi Waveriders : best hockey team

Proteins are considered to be the linchpin of all a sportsperson’s diet. Popularly addressed as the building block of muscles and skeleton, proteins are the most essential to a sport’s diet. Chicken and egg whites are a must for all the aggressive players. A vegan counterpart of the a protein rich dirt can comprise of skimmed milk, yoghurt, beans, pulses etc. There might be some players who could be lactose intolerant; protein supplements can pull them out of the rut in that case.

Remaining hydrated throughout the game is not only important, but is a dire necessity too. Be it the leading cricket team league or Hockey leagues in India, players need to gulp down oodles of water to make sure they survive the game on the field. Fainting, which is frequently observed on the field, can easily be shirked away if the player is well hydrated.
Cutting out on excess fats is another thing that should be borne in mind. Consumption of excess fats can cause bloating and lower the stamina of the player. It can meddle with the capacity and strength of the player, hence leading to deteriorating performances.