Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Do not allow your child to stare at LCD screens throughout the day

It is acknowledged that it’s a daunting task to make a child move away from the big LCD screen, if your child is one of those then instead of worrying over it much, you can find out an alternative against it. Instead of allowing him to stare at the LCD screen throughout the day, you can offer him to get into any of the interesting sports such as hockey or tennis. This is because these days children are less inclined to those indoor games and are very much enthusiastic towards outdoor games. So you can give them this liberty to join an academy in the sports where you feel that your child’s interest lies.

Delhi-Waveriders :-hockey team of India
It has been observed that majority of children are taking in keen interest in hockey. It’s a great alternative and your child would thoroughly get entertained as well. If you feel that your child is genuinely interested in either hockey or any other spots, make sure that being a guardian you do not step back in lending a helping hand to your child. This is because you never know that one day you get to see your tiny tot as a member of hockey team of India. You never know your child’s passion in sports will enable him to get clicked with Indian hockey team, you can proudly say pointing your son in photos of hockey players that here he goes.

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